Episode 1: 5 ways to handle uncertainty, stress and change


Hey loves,

I’m so stoked to share the first episode of Be Real with you.

Did I know when I dreamed up this podcast last year that we’d be in the midst of such uncertain times right now? NOPE.

But if there’s one thing that’s always true: it’s change. Life is always changing. We’re always changing (hello friend breaks up, and summer breaks, and heartbreaks…). We get to choose how we respond to it (and getting support helps us choose better).

So, as a love letter to you (cause that’s what all my solo episodes are) I created 5 ways to handle uncertainty, stress and change.

Ready for a virtual hug from a big sister? You might feel alone, honey, but I promise you’re not.

Love, Eliza.

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Links from the episode:

Badass Girls playlist

The Be.Come project

Eliza Reynolds