Episode 4: Body Image, Crushes, and Jiggly Thighs with Elizabeth Dialto


Hi loves,

I love Elizabeth Dialto.

That’s the only right way to start off telling you about this episode. Elizabeth is the creator of Wild Soul Movement and the host of the Truth Telling Podcast. She’s fiercely, softly herself -- and her laugh is legendary. The whole body thing (like, relating to the body) is her thing.

In this episode, we talk dieting, middle school crushes, wanting to be different, being catcalled, our mothers, and what the heck embodiment is (hint: it’s the genius answer to struggling with body image, and it’s the heart of Elizabeth’s work in the world).

Also, a jiggly thigh video is mentioned (and jiggly thighs are great).

You ready? I’m so stoked to share this one with you.

Love, Eliza.

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